Saturday, January 14, 2012


Ilmu baru untuk diri saya.. 

"Kalau kita letakkan perasaan takut pada anak KECIL terhadap kita, kita tak ubah seperti pelatih binatang. Depan kita, disuruh apa saja, dengar kata. Once di belakang kita, perangai dia totally opposite. Kita "murabbi" (orang yang didik dengan kasih sayang). Macam mana Nabi saw boleh didik para sahabat. sehinggakan para sahabat sayang Nabi saw lebih dari ibu bapa sendiri. Nabi ajar dengan penuh kasih sayang! Tak pernah hina, caci, apatah lagi keji. Full of love.

Full of LOVE. Tapi kita buat anak kecil macam kita didik binatang. Marah supaya anak diam. Marah supaya anak makan. Tak pernah kita cakap "Meh siapa nak makan? nak suap meh..". Itu yang Nabi saw ajar kita."

Friday, January 13, 2012

Rasa rindu. Rindu sangat kat kawan-kawan. Buka folder gambar-gambar lama. Bitter sweet memories. I feel blessed to be given the chance to be a friend to each and every one of them. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Heart Says..

*hey, LIFE, please don't be cruel to me*

Hurm.. How should I put this. I know, that LIFE is not mine. It's not ours. It is Allah's. We are His. And I know, that soon, life will leave me. It will leave every single person that I love. I just don't know when. And at this stage, I am not at my best. Not at my best to my dearest persons. What if they leave me tomorrow?

I want to be better. I demand myself to be better. Ya Allah, please help me through this. You are my only hope.

Bitter sweet memories last year. Grandma and grandpa left us. Surely Allah loves them most.

Now, today, LIFE is pushing me to be a grown up. I will no longer be a kid. Getting married, going to be someone's WIFE. Going to have a new family. Going to be a new daughter to a mother-in-law, and have to be a better daughter to my own mother. Going to be a mother myself. Home manager, husband's helper, children's teacher, a good daughter that always supports her husband to be a good son to his mother, a daughter that will one day take place to take care of my own mother and father growing old.

*hey, LIFE, please don't be cruel to me*

My mind is not at its place right now. I need a starting point. To set my mind up for the life ahead. Hmm..